Sexual Harassment

Employment / Personal Injury / Business

Have You Experienced Sexual Harassment in the Workplace? You Don’t Have to Suffer Any Longer

Sexual harassment is a form of workplace discrimination. Sexual harassment generally occurs in three different ways: (1) when a supervisor or person in authority asks an employee for sexual favors in exchange for job perks or advancement or conditions current employment and job perks on agreeing to the requests; (2) when a supervisor or person in authority punishes or retaliates against an employee who refuses requests for sexual favors; (3) when any supervisor or co-worker treats an employee in a demeaning, derogatory manner because of the employee’s gender. All three forms of sexual harassment, individually or in combination, may give rise to a “hostile work environment”. Although a hostile work environment generally requires a pattern of repeated offensive behavior based on gender directed at an employee, certain extreme circumstances, such as a sexual assault, may create a hostile work environment after a single incident.

If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment, contact us or give us a call at (215) 493-8287 to schedule a free consultation. Mr. Fegley will personally discuss your situation with you by telephone or email and will tell you whether the problems you may be experiencing at work are, in fact, illegal discrimination which may give you the right to sue your employer.

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